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 From:  Message:
Sun Jul 16 2006 5:09 pm
For People / Portraits ?

In Photo Rules... Please email us a signed model release if your photo includes recognizable person(s).

How do we go about doing this Mark? Also, what if we have no idea who the person(s) is?

Sun Jul 16 2006 5:28 pm
For People / Portraits ?

Theo wrote:
In Photo Rules... Please email us a signed model release if your photo includes recognizable person(s).

How do we go about doing this Mark? Also, what if we have no idea who the person(s) is?

That's a good question and one that comes up often.

Legally (in the US at least), you need a release for any public display of photographs of people whether it is a commercial enterprise or not, unless the photo was taken in a public place where there was no reasonable expectation of privacy.

If a photo of a person is used in a non-commercial endeavor and not in an embarrassing manner then there usually isn't a problem.

To protect the photographer (and this site), getting a model release is a good idea in general but probably not necessary. There are certainly many cases (such as public street scenes) where it's not necessary. You'll have to use some judgement.

Here's a link with more information:

The Online Photographer

Sun Jul 16 2006 6:10 pm
For People / Portraits ?

Interesting comments on The Online Photographer, Mark.

You said "You'll have to use some judgement." So where does that leave us as far as getting permission goes? If I upload a pic without a signed permission, will it be posted??

Sun Jul 16 2006 6:18 pm
For People / Portraits ?

Theo wrote:
Interesting comments on The Online Photographer, Mark.

You said "You'll have to use some judgement." So where does that leave us as far as getting permission goes? If I upload a pic without a signed permission, will it be posted??

Yes, it will be posted...the server software isn't quite smart enough to recognize faces in the uploaded photos

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