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 From:  Message:
Tue Aug 22 2006 2:59 am
Different Computers??

I am out of town for a few days, visiting with friends. I came into PAW to show them some of the great photos and to my astonishment.... they all look so different from the way I see them on my PC at home.

Now, I am wondering how you see the photos I submit, after playing with them.

My photo of Eillean and Daisey looked great on my screen, seeing it tonight I was ashamed to see the eyes (which were my first attempt to colour over red eye) looked like a five year old blackened in the eyes.

So, which PC is true to colour and how do I know what my pics look like to the judges??

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. This will also have a huge effect on any prints I have done if my PC is not showing correct colour..... help!!!

Tue Aug 22 2006 11:32 am
Re: Different Computers??

How you view your digital photos on a computer display is indeed a big and often unrecognized issue.

To begin with, the quality of your monitor (LCD or CRT) greatly affects how colors and details appear in an image. Photographers often spend more on their display(s) than the computer itself since it's the most critical link in the chain - if you can't see accurate colors and detail in your photo, you can't properly process it.

Next is your video card. Be sure it supports 24 or 32-bit color, and that it's set to the highest resolution suitable for your display size.

Finally, calibrate your monitor. Out of the box, few displays accurately show colors and therefore they need to be adjusted for proper color rendition.

There are some basic software methods (such as Adobe Gamma or Apple Display Calibrator), but the best way is to use a colorimeter such as the ColorVision Spyder2 or Gretag Macbeth Eye-One. These are devices that temporarily attach to your screen and "read" the colors, automatically calibrating and then profiling (color mapping) your display.

In my article about basic color correction (Technique page), I briefly mention in a footnote the critical importance of color calibration. If you're really serious about digital photography, it's worth learning more. The following link lists several highly regarded reference books on the subject:


Of course, if you have any specific questions feel free to post them here.

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